Thursday, June 04, 2009

You know who’s still the funniest guy on late-nite talk? Craig Ferguson – that’s right…a crazy Scot only recently turned American - NOT the long-time local yokels….

Last night, we caught the start of Craig’s show, and he opened with a hilarious sketch to the tune of “Istanbul, Not Constantinople”, with choreography that was clearly very well rehearsed, even including a belly dancer and puppets. We couldn’t stop laughing, Mrs. That Dan Guy and I.

Never mind that he OWNS monologues – not even Letterman can touch him on that effort. And Conan…well, after viewing his first two episodes of his rendition of the Tonight Show, he sure does like his staged video clips. Some of which are funny…

We were in the habit of watching Mr. Ferguson on a regular basis, but got away from the show for no apparent reason other than forgetfulness. It’s about time we got back into the habit…

Chow for now!!   


  1. That is the third such segment where he's done a song like that with the puppets and his two sidekicks. The first time I just about died laughing.
    One was Brittney Spears big hit 9Forget the name, Austin Powers did it as well) and the other I have no clue but it was great!!!
    Hilarious.. Frickin' hilarious!1

  2. Oops, I Did It Again was the title.

  3. Oh yeah, we were doubled over - absolutely brilliant.

  4. Not only title of biggest hit, but convenient musical template for every subsequent single...
