Friday, June 19, 2009

Just when I thought I’d be getting an updated version of my aging Blackberry wireless handheld device, I see a segment on the new i-Phone on our local Breakfast News broadcast this morning. While I may be delaying a full-blown Mac attack here in the Such Is Life household, I could now potentially be introducing the wonder of Apple to our environment, via something like THAT spiffy little gadget!

Not that I don’t love my Blackberry. When we saw Jerry Seinfeld in concert the other day, he unleashed a blistering, hilarious routine against Blackberry users that hit awfully close to home. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m “addicted”, but I have risked my life on several occasions, stopping to “glance” at a new message, midway through one of Mrs. That Dan Guy’s soliloquies on something I will admit I can’t even recall at this particular moment. Rules To Live By: Never encourage a rhinoceros to charge, or glance even briefly at anything electronic when your partner is talking.

At any rate, this new i-Phone looks pretty slick, and it would be a justified purchase, perhaps leading to moving my old Blackberry over to MTDG, who no longer has one, and in her own way, loved the one she owned. If you’re as confused as I am by that last exchange, don’t be alarmed – I think I meant to say that I would gift her my old Blackberry, If I got a new i-Phone. I am generous that way...

Ah well, it's all speculation at this point anyway. The new phone has just come available here, so it will be awhile before I can make a decision. But the door to Apple-Land may slowly be creaking open, here in the Such Is Life household…

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy7:22 AM

    I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m “addicted”??? Who are you kidding??!!

    A justified purchased??!! Again, who you kidding??

    Gift me your old blackberry??!! Yes, again, who are you kidding?
    Oh brother!

  2. Wuuut??
    I am shocked and appalled at your accusations, regarding my most generous and loving offer.

  3. HTC Magic or Dream.


    Google phones pwn Apple phones.

    (Though, I'm stuck with a Windows mobile until May...)

  4. Omigod - there's a language I do not even know...
