Monday, June 29, 2009

Home Sweet Home…

We returned late last night from my recent conference, and this is the first chance I’ve had to fire up the Turdmaster 2000. Sadly, I may owe it an apology…

On our trip, the Vista operating system on the Turdmaster seemed to work much more efficiently. For some reason, outside the home it actually remembers what it is supposed to dowhen you try and perform simple little operations - such as turning it on, or opening a file.

However, back here at home, it reverts back to the frustrating, Forest Gump-like (but without Forest’s charm) operation, forgetting what to do at every step of the way. Turn on? Duh…okey-dokey…but this is gonna take awhile! Save settings? O-boy…how does that work again?

It is really a matter of something interfering, or giving off interference in our home, I suspect. Not that it works all THAT much better when we’re away, but at least the dang thing seems to start in under half an hour, and doesn’t open media files when you try and start a Word document. I still have to check that the spelling software catches stuff like “kat”, or “bagle”. I’ll leave you to try and decide what I was trying to spell with that last one, but it sure as shooting wasn’t “bagle”…

Hey, while I was away, I discovered completely by accident that cute little colloquialisms we use here in Canada aren’t universal. Like when you’ve done something for the very first time, and you say, “well it was my first kick at the cat”… Isn’t that a universal phrase? Apparently not, judging by the horrified looks I got from fellow attendees.


Chow for now!


  1. I think it means you have to move!

  2. Ahh.Hawaii, New many choices...
