Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Here it is, almost the end of May, and our furnace is working overtime. How delightful.

We had turned it off (a couple of times, actually) earlier this month, but keep having to fall back on it for little comforts like keeping our tap water flowing, and offsetting frostbite or hypothermia in the home.

Yesterday, we decided to be brave, and take a little walk in the rain. It was just a light drizzle, so we dressed for the weather, and even took umbrellas. After a bit of the hike had transpired, as hikes are prone to do when you’re actually moving one foot in front of the other in a continuous manner, we were heading back to our starting point. When the snow started to fall…

Oh, it’s not as bad as it sounds, even though it is almost June. Nothing like perpetuating the Canadian stereotype though! Now we’ve got extra material for our igloo roof!

On the plus side, the weather kept most other hardy souls off the trails, so we had the unexpected bonus of coming across a pair of deer grazing in the valley below the trail. They blended right in with the rest of the forest, in their camouflage parkas and hip waders. It was their exposed white tails that caught our attention. Deer should really learn to start wearing pants, and then maybe their natural predators might have a harder time spotting them whilst they graze.

At least, that’s how I see things…

Chow for now!!

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