Saturday, May 23, 2009

Chicken Scratch 

Howdy humans, on this fine Saturday morn!!


Well, ole Cornelius has done gone an loss his mind – he thinks he’s gonna be a late-nite infomercial king!! 


Yessir, Corny’s got hisself a popcorn maker, and he plans on sellin’ these things on late-nite TV. I ain’t got the heart to tell his dumb pinfeathers that these things are available in stores everywhere already…. 


Although, we are talkin’ about humans here, and one that watch late-nite TV infomercials, so maybe he ain’t so crazy after all…


I think I oughta consider tryin’ that sales bit misself! Mebbe I could come up with a formula for premature feather loss. Or a lotion to smooth over those rough claws after a hard day a walkin’ around the coop!

I think I may need to get workin’  on this. If I wants ta get a convertible this summer, I need to increase my cash flow. Cluck, I need ta GET a cash flow!! 


Hot damn, way ta go Cornelius! Yer a clickin’ genius!!

Cluck for now!!

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