Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Well, if this post loads today, I suppose I’ll have gotten past April Fool’s Day, AND the computer virus that’s supposed to be going around today. We shall see…

Hey, speaking of April Fool’s Day, we got hit by that one day early yesterday, courtesy of the ABC network. We watched their “new” TV show, “Cupid”. Why, this show was so new, it didn’t at all resemble almost exactly the original version cancelled a few years ago, starring the talented and engaging Jeremy Piven (the award-winning actor from “Entourage”). I mean, EXACTLY like the prior version, plot lines and all – just with a different cast...

We should know – we LOVED that original version – Piven played a hilarious character who thought he was Cupid, having to pair up so many mortals on Earth before being allowed back home. He was also able to make the character believable in his quest. This version has younger actors, and I think may be set in a different city, but as the episode progressed, we kept tweaking on all the familiar quirks of the Piven show. We’ll see if it lasts as long as that one before it gets cancelled, but either it was an early April Fool’s prank, or the broadcasters really think viewers are just that dim…

Adding to my April Fool’s Day torment this morning, and aided in no small part by the abysmal performance of the game we attended the other night, our Calgary Flames have fallen from first place in their division. To…the Vancouver Canucks???


Chow for now!!

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