Thursday, April 30, 2009

Here it is, the last day of April, and you probably find yourself wondering right about now: “when is That Dan Guy going to whine about how fast the month went by?”

Wait for it:

Man, where did April go? I had plans – big pans! (Ha! Typo again – maybe I SHOULD have had big pans…).

Anyhow, there’s nothing you can do, right? Time marches on, like sand through the hourglass – or something like that. Time speeds by, like a roadrunner on goofballs.

Time keeps tickin’ tickin’ tickin’, into the future.

Clearly, I must adopt some sort of time management program. The only problem is, nowadays a writer has to do so many extraneous things that chew up and swallow most of their spare time. I write, I blog, I Facebook, I Spy – but have yet to Twitter, Totter, or Tumble. I wish I DIDN’T have to do all that stuff, because I can barely find time to wind my watch every day, but such is the world we live in now, where technology demands you dance to the music. Or maybe that was Sly & The Family Stone…

Whatever – my point is that my typing fingers get awfully sore, from a host of related endeavours.

Such is (the) life of a creative soul…

Hey, I managed to fill another empty blog space with something!!

Chow for now!!

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