Friday, April 03, 2009

Considering that four days have now passed since the alleged April Fools Day launch, I think it’s pretty safe to suggest that I have avoided getting that Conficker virus on this “Zista” computer of mine. Which is nothing short of astounding, considering what a piece of crap “Zista” has been, in my own humble experience…

Every time I think that I’ve gotten over the crest of a hill with the Microsloppy “Zista” operating system, I start yet another day where the computer doesn’t recognize “Zista-approved” software, hardware, and pictures on the wall of my office. Today, it is the printer that needs to reload every time I start the computer. Which reloads old software, which forces me to go online to download driver updates, which makes me want to just toss this piece of electronic penguin sludge under a moving fan, and give directions to the driver of THAT vehicle…

(Hmmm. I see I made a typo back there. Which would have been funnier - a moving VAN, or a moving FAN? I must ask for your opinions on that...)

Ah, but I am showing my unhappiness – I apologize. I did have a chance to make the switch over to a Mac, and chose to defer that a bit longer. Who cares if that decision turns my brain into boiled cabbage soup just a little bit faster??

The funny thing about that Conficker virus is that it only targeted Windows OS computers – 9 out of every 10 computers worldwide. In my case, it likely would have done me a favour, and may have even had the opposite effect of crippling my system. It may have finally sorted out whatever failures this “Zista” OS has had since Day One, even with innumerable updates and patches. I’m convinced that the only thing that will ever make this system work properly is when it becomes a boat anchor, and even then I’m not so sure that “Zista” will be able to perform anywhere near correctly, let alone find a body of water if a boat is floating in it. This, my friends, is a dead horse I continue to beat, a dead horse of my own commission. Or volition, whichever word makes more sense back there...

Curse you, live entertainment in Las Vegas, for clouding my judgment, and depriving me of the chance to see a world of computerized efficiency. I am my own worst enemy…

Chow for now!!

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