Thursday, March 26, 2009

This would REALLY be one of those mornings where I should have a handy list beside the computer, filled with topic ticklers or items of interest to discuss. A little groggy this morning, all I can think of is “how do the sheets of paper actually work their way through the tiny little lines leading to and from the fax machine?”

This, you see, is the curse of flying by the seat of your pants. Every once in awhile, you get lucky and something jumps out of thin air – and you have something to write about.

Then, on barren mornings like this, you wish Charlie ran 5 days a week, or that you could remember what the international symbol for “I surrender” might be. Or the international symbol for cinnamon, for that matter…

As much as I desperately glance around my office, nothing is coming to me. I realize that I have written more than enough silliness about snowfall, and the coldness of a Canadian winter. Can’t do that again (at least not yet – there’s still April & May to get through…).

So, I will simply throw in the towel, and a few dirty socks as well for good measure. Why a person would measure ANYTHING by dirty socks is beyond me, but that’s exactly why I’m having such a struggle this morning – I got nothin’…

Respectfully yours,

Chow for now!!


  1. it takes a special talent to ramble about nothing and still say something.
    what the hell is international for cinnamon anyway?
    don't throw in the socks because i need to laugh..

  2. The international sign for cinnamon is a cinammon stick, I think.

    The international sign for laugh may be socks...

  3. boil the socks throw in cinnamon...a new drink or replacement for cold f/x

  4. Sounds delicious!

    Better keep this quiet before the Neo-Citron people get ahold of it...
