Thursday, March 12, 2009

Man, me and technology lately…we are going to part ways, and it won’t be pretty…

This morning, we had some “technical difficulties” with the internet here in our hotel room. Technical in that it would have been a miracle if would actually have worked.

Bear in mind, you pay Lexus pricing in Vegas hotels for 24 hours of connection privileges, and end up getting 1972 Ford Pinto value. It blows.

To make matters worse, I tried to use my Blackberry to do the posting, but I kept getting error messages on THAT device.

I will confess, I have never had much patience with inanimate objects. That trait has only worsened with all the varied electronic devices that seem to plague my daily life, each and every flippin’ day. The Blackberry took flight, towards our bed, but somehow managed to find a gap between the headboard and the mattress, and I had to go fishing for it. None of this makes Mrs. That Dan Guy very happy. I am the Hulk when these things frustrate me, which is too often for my liking. Hulk hate technology…

Our first day, arriving into Vegas just after dinner time locally, went pretty well. We flew in on the 11th, and cleared customs through Wicket Number…are you ready for this…11!!! Our hotel room number adds up to eleven, and there are four ones in the hotel phone number. We had plenty of other signs with my consecutive number phenomenon, and it boded (bade?) well for our first night here in town. We done good.

Better, run – I just came back up to see if the internet problems were finally resolved, but I left MTDG down in the casino, on her own recognizance. That could be a fatal error, this early in our trip…

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous6:09 PM

    ...while my palms gently weep....

  2. Anonymous11:09 PM

    your in vegas.. my heart bleeding for your minor tech problems

  3. Anonymous11:11 PM

    any good buffets in that town?

  4. If they're itching, you can get some cream for that...

  5. If your heart is actually bleeding, you should probably contact medical professionals...

  6. Maybe one or two - have you ever heard of a place called KFBinions??
