Tuesday, March 17, 2009

And so it ends - with about as appropriate an image as we could find – “Big Elvis” a surprisingly popular attraction direct from the Vegas Strip. Playing three shows a day five days a week at Wild Bill’s Saloon, this hefty impersonator draws the crowds – young and old. When he describes himself as “big”, he ain’t kidding. He’s the only Elvis tribute artist I’ve ever seen who performs primarily while sitting down.

What a crazy trip! We’ve visited casinos and sights we haven’t seen in years. We caught a news item about the hotel chain we are staying at, and how much financial hot water they are in right now. Which you might find hard to believe, judging by the massive crowds here this past week. However, it just so happens that we wound up here the very same time as American spring break – so that could be part of the reason for the crowds.

What can I say – we’ve had a ball, we’ve done our part to help the U.S. economy (Canada just needs to find a few more beaver pelts and we’ll be back on track), and caught about 4 shows that we might likely never see back home. We do love our live shows. We must have walked about 2 hours a day, each day – at least. Our dogs are totally barking right now.

We had a nice meal last night, the first crab we’ve had since San Francisco. A delicious treat. Plus having it down here guarantees you actually have a leg or two with a sliver of meat. In Canada, any crab legs you get look like the “before” picture on those old comic book bodybuilder ads – pretty anemic. This crab looked like he was seriously on steroids. But tasty steroids.

Now, we must pack. Though tears will surely stain our luggage.

Until next time, Las Vegas!!

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    if elvis was alive today..

  2. He'd be bigger than this guy...
