WHAT a Superbowl half-time show! That has to have been the best performance IN RECORDED HISTORY!! And man, do I EVER have to see Springsteen live now – the guy is just amazing!
And that guy that sings for him – WOW! Springsteen may play a mean guitar, and pull off a bandana head wrap, but that vocalist could strike out on his own – he’s that good! And a lot more charismatic than Springsteen himself, if truth be told. But that could just be me.
By the way, doesn’t Bruce look an awful lot like that actor from The Sporano’s??
At any rate, barring cloning or zombie technology that could bring The Beatles back together, or someone forcing Elvis out of hiding, they may as well just cancel any future half-time shows – NO ONE will be able to recapture the magic and explosive force that chewed up the stage yesterday – what a freakin’ rock show!!!!!
PS: Why doesn’t this guy tour through Canada, other than one measly stop in Toronto? We have a tower here! We host the goddam Calgary Stampede, for Pete’s sake!
I’ve got to start a letter-writing campaign, or something. We are seriously being ripped off here.
Chow for now!!
WHAT a Superbowl half-time show! That has to have been the best performance IN RECORDED HISTORY!! And man, do I EVER have to see Springsteen live now – the guy is just amazing!
And that guy that sings for him – WOW! Springsteen may play a mean guitar, and pull off a bandana head wrap, but that vocalist could strike out on his own – he’s that good! And a lot more charismatic than Springsteen himself, if truth be told. But that could just be me.
By the way, doesn’t Bruce look an awful lot like that actor from The Sporano’s??
At any rate, barring cloning or zombie technology that could bring The Beatles back together, or someone forcing Elvis out of hiding, they may as well just cancel any future half-time shows – NO ONE will be able to recapture the magic and explosive force that chewed up the stage yesterday – what a freakin’ rock show!!!!!
PS: Why doesn’t this guy tour through Canada, other than one measly stop in Toronto? We have a tower here! We host the goddam Calgary Stampede, for Pete’s sake!
I’ve got to start a letter-writing campaign, or something. We are seriously being ripped off here.
Chow for now!!
.amen, brother..
ReplyDeleteStill waiting for Van Halen to hit the peg so QUIT BITCHING!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteVan Halen??
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure THAT boat has sailed.
Now, the bigger question is why hasn't AC-DC come to town???
That would be a great one!
ReplyDeleteEven though a certain someone here says she has NO interest in seeing them...