Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We are currently experiencing “Crab Withdrawal Syndrome”. After spending an entire week eating Dungeness Crab at least once a day back when we were in San Francisco, we find that we’ve been craving the little claw-clackers, a lot. Provided of course that they are freshly acquainted with a pot of boiling water, and healthy dollops of butter…

When I was grocery shopping the other day, I discovered by accident that our very own neighbourhood supermarket featured – LIVE DUNGENESS CRAB! And, they will steam the little culinary delights while you shop, so that you can just drive a couple of red steamers home, and introduce them to the good silverware.

Yesterday, Mrs. That Dan Guy and I could no longer take it. We agreed that I would pre-arrange a date with Dunkin’ Dungeness, and feast that very evening, to quench our constant craving.

Well, who knew St. Valentine would crimp our claws? Turns out the supermarket saw a run on crabs for Valentines Day, so the tank was barren, bereft. No crab to be had. Lonely is a world without crab.

More have been ordered. Sometime this week or next, we will enjoy our friendly crustacean friend’s company, once we get crackin’.

Until then, I guess a bowl of chowder will have to do.


Chow(der) for now(der)…


  1. Anonymous9:27 PM

    why yo all want crab when there's all that chicken ?

  2. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Maybe I should introduce YOU to some secret herbs and spices??????
