Friday, February 20, 2009


Computers – the bane of modern mankind, I say! Bah Humbug!!!

Funny enough, my Vista computer has been behaving lately. Dare I say, it has even been semi-reliable. That, or I’ve just learned to live with the persistent quirks and failures.

My bane right now is an older computer, which we were trying to decommission. This is an older desktop model, which was running Windows ME – a short-lived Windows operating system that actually worked.

While I had done occasional backups over the years, I still had some pretty important files on there, so I was trying to clear those off, when it suddenly started to go all “Vista” on me. It crashed during boot-up, it crashed during operation, it crashed whenever I threw it against the wall. Finally, it would no longer finish the start-up process, so I knew I’d be spending more money, money on a computer that was ultimately destined for Seagull Mountain.

The problem was that I had never bothered to find a new computer guru here in Calgary, stubbornly sticking to my own limited skills.


What a buffoon…The only thing crazier than a client without a lawyer is a layperson without a technician. I needed to let my fingers do the walking, and find help PRONTO!!!

Which I did. The place I chose to bring the computer had the expertise to revive the beast long enough to transfer most of the data off, but I need to bring it back, with an external hard drive to transfer 9 years of e-mail. As a lifelong packrat, I have now extended that personality trait into Cyberland, and have valuable e-mails that I must retrieve, before I can send this old desktop off to the land of milk and recycling.

All of this will one day lead me down the path to Mac, and I will find salvation.

For now, just call me “Stubborn In Snowshoes”…


  1. Anonymous7:26 AM

    And all of that, Mr That Dan Guy is precisely why you should NOT buy a MAC!
    Folks, Dan's 1 year old state of the art, expensive laptop that happened to come with Vista works just fine!
    If we get a MAC it will only be to house another 7 years of date (emails), just a way to hide what used to be (and still is in our basement) hundreds of files in boxes!
    BUSTED Mr That Dan Guy!
    By the way you failed to mention the 7 years of emails the tech guys helped to recover were recovered and put onto MY laptop which has now filled both hardrives! Brilliant Mr Pack Rat, brilliant!
    Thank you.

  2. Anonymous8:12 AM

    It has awoken. It lurks where most fear to tread. It speaks where others dare utter a word. It strikes where others fear to raise a hand.

    See what coffee withdrawal does to a person!!!

  3. Have I ever mentioned my ear wax sculpture collectibles????

  4. Some people don't even need to give up caffeine to be completely unreasonable!!
