Thursday, February 05, 2009

It’s about time I tried my hand at inventing something (again).

For too long, I have taken a passive position with respect to my workplace (home office). The space “rules” me, NOT the other way around (tyrannical work space!!).

So, I’m trying now to sketch out a few ideas, to see which one best suits the way I work (such as that might be).

One thought, and this is just me tossing things out there, is a bank of big-screen TVs on the walls of my home office - along with a surround sound system, so that I can capture interesting things that happen throughout the day, to write about later in the afternoon (after “Siesta Hour”, and Judge Judy). This option is appealing, because it allows me the convenience of staying in my office, yet also allows for the mental stimulation necessary for a creative mind (a mind that is constantly distracted by balls of string).

Another thought, is a very Spartan décor, with a hammock, and a suspended holder for my computer. This would allow me to nurse my various aches and pains, whilst maximizing a relaxed work space, so as not to bruise my fragile aura. Picture this – the writer at work in his suspended hammock, rocking gently side to side, and occasionally tapping at a computer (MAC!!) that is doing exactly the same, maybe even on a patented little hammock of its own! It assaults the senses, doesn’t it??

My last thought (the only one that grumpy ole Mrs. That Dan Guy endorses) is a clearer work space, effected via a few old milk crates piled up on one another, with maybe a candle so that my harsh, uninspiring writer’s garrotte will allow me to at least see the neglected columns and articles piled on the milk crates, gathering dust as I am completely unmotivated to attend to them.

So, one of those options will likely be the winner. Cross your fingers, I present to the committee (G.O. MTDG) this weekend!!

Chow for now!!

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