Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th !

Be careful out there today, folks…

1) Don’t walk under a ladder.
2) Don’t spill salt without following that up by throwing some over your shoulder.
3) Don’t dress up a black cat with a hockey mask and machete.
4) Don’t break a mirror.
5) Don’t fax a picture of your naked buttocks to a random Home Depot outlet.
6) Do not lose your lucky rabbit’s foot, unless the rabbit manages to break free from your clutches.
7) Do not bet on red.
8) Do not juggle 13 chainsaws, or 13 bowling balls.
9) Don’t stop, believing. Hold on to that feeling.
10) Don’t let the dogs out.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Chow for now!!

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