Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bear with me folks – I’ve got another unfocused rambling here today and worse yet, it’s about number appearances again.

It is a bit appropriate though, today being the 11th, as my most common frequent number sighting is either 11, 1:11, or 11:11. Even more appropriately, today is 02 11 09. If you add up the 02 and the 09, that makes today 11 11. Spooky right??

Last night, we were watching a movie that I had recorded a day or so ago. “American Gangster”, with Denzel Washington, and a bunch of other people. Early on in the movie, the “good cop” played by Aussie actor Russell Crowe (oh yeah, he’s also in the movie…) busts down a motel room door, to get at a snitch (canary, squealer, informant). What door, of all the choices the movie makers could have conjured up? Room 111!!!

I know! Freaky!!

Anyhow, it is a long movie (very enjoyable so far, I would add), so we had to stop to head to Sackville (our bedroom, NOT the city in the Maritime area of Canada – that would be one heck of a commute). So, I pressed the pause button to see where we were at, and what time do you suppose, out of a three-hour stretch, did I happen to pause the recording at? One hour, and eleven minutes. One freakin’ hour, and eleven flippin’ minutes!!

There is something out there trying to speak to me, and I am hard of hearing. Universe, you are totally freaking me out!!

Chow for now…


  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    The price of a new mac.
    Coincidence, I think not.

  2. The gods are speaking....

    Computer gods, I hear you!!!!

  3. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Yah right?! But, hey, I am a fair Mrs That Dan Guy.
    OK Mr That Dan Guy I will make you a bet.
    If Mr Argy can show you a MAC you want for $1111.11 you can buy it, no questions asked!
    Good luck!

  4. Anonymous10:58 PM

    That's about half of what you would spend on a trip to Vegas.

  5. A sidetrip to Winnipeg: $600.
    New parkas for Winnipeg: $200.
    A new Mac: $1500.
    Trip to Vegas: PRICELESS!!
