Monday, February 16, 2009

Another Monday morning – another new week begins. Funny, it looks just like the last one…

A quiet weekend at home, here in the Such Is Life household. I think we just hung out, and never even saw the light of day, aside from what little streamed through our curtains. Well, I did briefly shovel the walk, but that hardly counts for an outing.

We had plans. We thought we might do a bit of running around, but we both just had a touch of the monkey Saturday and Sunday. We never left the cozy confines of the house.

Part of our inertia could have stemmed from weaning ourselves off of coffee, something we’ve done in the past, but had clearly forgotten since the last go-round about all the niggly little side effects. Such as inertia, and POUNDING MIGRAINES!!!

Coffee, innocent little old coffee, is highly addictive, and when you try and quit consuming it, all the little caffeine soldiers begin to perform drills in your brain, essentially poking bayonets into the inside of your head, and setting off explosive devices once those stabbing pains subside.

We caved in late Saturday afternoon, and each had a cup of instant coffee, which finally brought some small amount of relief. We’ll probably have a cup of instant over the next few days, until the soldiers get reassigned, and our bodies can survive the initial ill side-effects of a caffeine-free lifestyle.

This would probably be a pretty good time to formally apologize to Starbucks, who will no doubt suffer the most with Mrs. That Dan Guy living a pure and decaffeinated existence…

Oh yeah, for those of you wondering how negotiations went over the weekend on an upcoming getaway possibility, all of the possible options were shot down in flames, including the original few options, the “new-hare-brained scheme”, an undisclosed option I hadn’t even bothered to mention here as yet, PLUS a last-minute Hail Mary proposal. We will instead use the time off to do something around the house, I suppose. There are numerous collections of dust bunnies under the beds here, which need to be inventoried for insurance purposes…

Chow for now!!

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