Sunday, January 18, 2009

Well, this has been an interesting 24 hours in the Such Is Life household – or maybe I should say OUT of the SIL household…

After an express mutual agreement between Mrs. That Dan Guy and myself NOT to do anything for our birthdays this year, Ole Harda Hearin’ surprised me with a getaway to one of our favourite places in the world – our second home to some degree – Las Vegas. In addition to my other edicts and express commands that we would keep a low profile for my milestone birthday, there were more surprises, and more yet to come, I understand. Nice to know that my word is still law around the ole SIL homestead…

I even had a call from an old friend, out of the blue, before we would have to leave the house. We had just a few hours before I had to tame my morning hair after our morning coffee, before packing, and rocketing away to the airport. My head is still spinning. While it was still in full revolution moments after check-in, we had a knock on our door, and yet another curveball was launched into my fragile well-being – my in-laws, joining us for what is clearly the largest breach of an agreement in the history of oral contracts. I am a mere helpless speck of flotsam in this mad scheme of Mrs. That Dan Guy (who by the way is my official nominee for “Most Amazing Spouse Of The New Millennium”, even if she can’t stick to a simple frickin’ agreement).

This morning, after going down to get us coffee and a sweet treat to jumpstart our day, I returned to a bed covered in cards and greetings that were beyond overwhelming. Friends, family…a note from our newspaper carrier griping about the lousy tip I gave him before Christmas…well wishes and kind thoughts from across the country. I am overwhelmed.

However, this is Vegas, so I must find the fortitude to overcome my verklemptness, and move forward – the casinos are callin’!!!

More on all this later, after I’ve had a chance to absorb it all..

Chow for now! YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m FIFTY!!

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