Thursday, January 29, 2009

Having spent the last couple of days getting up a bit earlier than normal, I have determined that morning television broadcasting is the last untamed frontier available for mankind. Never mind deep space, or the plummeting depths of the ocean – morning TV before the news teams kick in is about as thin and vacuous as a passing mist, or a silent fart.

Mrs. That Dan Guy is usually able to find a couple of her shows on at ungodly hours. But seriously, how many mornings can you hear self-promotional, TV-friendly designers and carpenters babble on endlessly about window treatments, and “bruised avocado tones” for painting a freakin’ rumpus room wall?? Egads man!! Put up a picture of dogs playing poker, and call it a day already – do you really need to fill a half hour broadcast with teams of people converting some heathen over to The Divine Temple Of TV Show Decorating?

(Hmmm – have I had my grumpy meds yet??)

This morning, some airhead was having her living room redone, and 10 minutes…TEN MINUTES were spent on curtains for the room. What ever happened to putting up a Lynyrd Skynyrd tour flag, or a Toy Story bed sheet? Bah humbug!!

(Pretty sure I haven’t had enough coffee yet this morning…)

However, when I tried to surf away, the other options on the guide were as bad or worse!

What ever happened to shows with entertainment, quality shows with timeless, lasting appeal for the generations? Why can’t I find Bugs Bunny, or even one measly little Roadrunner?

Where did it all go so wrong……..

Chow for now

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