Thursday, December 04, 2008


Yesterday was Blog # 1011 - there's those wacky 1's again!!!


How does that famous prayer for patience go??

I think it’s:

God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to rest easy, as a Mac will soon deliver us from the evil and patent uselessness that is Windows Vista…”

It’s not going to take courage to change the things that should be changed – it’s going to take time. Time to get past our winter holiday, and rebuild the Mac fund that has been diverted to that trip. Time to transfer my files (should they survive this computer being hurled with much zeal at a brick wall) to a Mac computer, which will open its arms to the struggling data, smiling at it with a warm glow – a showing of hope that my computing future will one day allow me to start a computer, and NOT have every freakin’ file conflict with a cursed operating system.

Today (and yesterday), my printer software is no longer recognized by this demon spawn operating system. I’ve only had to reinstall it at least a dozen times since I brought this thing home. Tomorrow, it will likely work just fine, as its low IQ will not remember that it had conflicts just the day before. Vista is like Windows XP, with severe head trauma. No, I’m sorry – that gives it too much credit. It’s like a sack of potatoes, with severe head trauma.

I must be a sadist though, as I continue to allow this thing to drive me further and further into my own mental abyss. Oh well, it was a short drive, with lovely scenery along the way…

Chow for now!

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