Sunday, December 28, 2008

Well, this is somewhat embarrassing…

After railing on for MONTHS about how horrible Windows Vista is to work with, turns out there may be some sort of interference right here in my own home, that affects the operation of my computer.

While we were away the past couple of weeks, the computer has been flawless. I even received an error message regarding another ongoing quirk, which I’ve never received whilst here at home. That may allow me to fix that particular problem.

After our return late last night, I’ve been trying to do a few things this morning, and all the old familiar (annoying/frustrating/maddening) problems are back. Which leads me to believe that there is some sort of interference here in the homestead that affects my beast.

Which, also means that I may have to hold off on Mac, lest it becomes afflicted as well.

This all makes some sort of sense, as we have experienced a few more oddball things here in the Such Is Life household (excluding myself), such as remotes not working properly, and other assorted electronic snafus.

Boy, you’d think that living under transmission towers would actually BENEFIT our electronic devices…

Chow for now!


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    You're being delusional man!! Don't lose focus. Concentrate.... stay on the straight and narrow. The path is paved with gold.

    Stay the course..go the distance..if you buy it they will come.

  2. Who was I kidding? You are correct, sir.

    I must forge bravely ahead, into the light and wonder that is Apple!!!

  3. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Wait a minute Mr. Argy! If this computer works perfectly fine and it is just the house, why invest in another computer, Mac or not that will give the same problems and produce the same whining one must endure on a daily basis? Mr. That Dan Guy can always go and sit outside to work on his computer? I say stand aside Mac, you are no longer needed, it was all an elaborate plan to secure a Mac and the plan has now been thwarted!

  4. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Mrs. That Dan Guy aka the evil empress is working in alliance with dark forces. In order to thwart her you must disguise the mac as a pair of shoes. Trust me she will never know. Nothing works better than a Saks on 5th avenue show box.

    Nothing can penetrate a mac not even the forces that willingly cast aspersions on such good doers as your self Mr.That Dan Guy.

    Fell the force use the force become the force once failed jedi master.

    Be one with the mac and all will benefit the joys and laughter that a sexy new imac will bring. Not to mention those super cool commercials featurimg the voice of Alvin & The Chipmunks John Long. A very cute holiday movie I might add.

    But, beware my thin haired friend whatever you do do not look into the eyes of the beast lurking in the walls of your vestibule. The one who calls the shopping mall a second home.
    The one who has caused the collapse of governments world wide and sent once prosperous countries into an economic tailspin.
    One faint wisp of weakness and you will fall under a spell that will forever doom you to the eternal damnation that we so call Windows Vista!!
    Repent while you can, while you still have strength while she is still weak from jet lag!!

    Go forth and multiply, buy not only one but two Imacs and one of those super slim(and sexy) air books. Only then and only then...will you be free to roam the halls of your hallowed home with your head held high and a grin that would make the Grinch proud!!

    You must spend to keep this recession induced Country from economic disaster.
    Go forth once more and carry the torch that you ave so bravely lit in these times of peril and bad blogs.

    Be like Adam and bite the Apple, resistance is futile you must succumb to the powers and overcome the dark prescence. After all was it not a young lad only 2 Christmases ago asked for a Banjo and was rewarded on the joyful day.
    This is much like that but a mac doesn't need tuning.

    I have done all I can do, I must go now as my soul is weakening. I feel a strong disturbing aura emanating from my new sleek silent keyboard that I sit in front of and type out daily tripe.
    I feel a force so strong that I may lose contact for awhile and go underground to recharge, regroup for a counter attack. I feel I may never get invited over for Christmas dinner or drinks ever again.
    Good bye fair Dan and be well.

  5. This should be a post of its own - hilarious!!

    I remember - I remember Banjo Quest. I never wavered then, and I shouldn't waver now.

    The Force is strong, especially after visiting so close to Geoge Lucas. And seeing Yoda above a business in Reno, but that's a whole other story, for another day.

    Mac, I am coming - soon, we will be together, and I will once again know the magic and wonder of magically wonderful home computing...

  6. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Ok, totally delusional, the two of you! Mr That Dan Guy, this is not a comic book, do not listen to the rantings of an obviously "slightly askew" Mr Argy. That is pure delusions tempting you.
    I am now even more resilient to forgetting about Mac. Get someone to fix the Vista problems (no one else I know seems to have any problems with Vista, hmm?!) and you will be soooooo much happier!

    (And new shoes has nothing to do with it)

  7. Anonymous12:57 PM

    It's alive......

  8. Yes, it's alive, and I am even more resilient in diverting it with a piar of new shoes, to attain Maccage...
