Wednesday, December 10, 2008

There’s a series of action movies that lately seem to be going straight to DVD, but they’re ones that Mrs. That Dan Guy and I really enjoy. They are The Librarian series, starring Noah Wyle, Bob Newhart, and Jane Curtin – sort-of Indiana Jones with a bit more fantasy added in.

The latest, subtitled The Judas Chalice had scenes shot in New Orleans, or at least stock footage from there that was inserted into the film. Particularly freaky in that discovery were the amount of shots that corresponded with photos taken while WE were in New Orleans – including one shot (of many) that we recently had developed to put on our travel wall – this one in particular featuring a smiling MTDG in front of the very same spot shown in the footage.

We loooooved New Orleans.

And we loved Boston too – which we always scan when watching Boston Legal, for the landmark shots they show on that soon to sadly-be-missed TV drama/comedy. There’s one building they always seem to show – I think it’s the old City Hall or something civic like that – it's an older building with loads of ornate gold on the roof dome. We get damn-near giddy whenever we see that stuff…

Ah yes, we are truly weirdos – read about more of our insanity in today’s newspaper column, which just happens to be online yet again:

Chow for now!!

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