Saturday, December 06, 2008

Chicken Scratch



Let’s keep it down today, can we, my skin-covered mammaly amigos??

Ole Charlie had hiz office Christmas party last night, and he got hiz ole beak a lil’ bent.


OK, so technically I don’t have an office that would have had a Christmas party last night, but whoever’s party I ended up at, was quite a doozy. I have a dim memory of security guards taking way my hula hoop, before I got stuffed inta a cab. Oh, my frazzled feathers….


Holy cluck, is there a marchin’ band in my bedroom this mornin’?? I’m pretty sure I hear drums thumpin’ somewhere…

Hey!! Where’s my suit jacket and tie? How did I end up wearin’ a Xmas decoration? And how is it even possible that I’d have a FULL bottle of Crown Royal beside me??

Mebbe I’m still dreamin’?? I bet if I pinch myself, I’ll wake up beside that cute chick that I was chattin’ up at the party. Although, the more I think about it, that could have been a poster in the can, advertisin’ breath mints. Man, my brain is fuzzy…


Whoa! Hey, when did this bed end up on a boat?? Who’s rockin’ the bed!! Who’s rockin’ the bed, I say I say boy!!!

I think I hasta excuse myself, boys and girls – I feel a little guacamole makin’ a run for the border, if ya catch my drift…

Cluck for now!

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