Tuesday, December 02, 2008

After flirting with winter for weeks, we finally had our first substantial snowfall overnight. And the white stuff is still coming down, which must be making it awfully difficult for Mrs. That Dan Guy to keep the walk shovelled as she goes, right now. I’ll have to put on some hot cocoa for afterwards…

TOTALLY KIDDING!! She’s in the bathroom, just embarking on her three-hour get-ready-for-work routine, involving regimens related to hair, makeup, dental maintenance, clothing, and varied placing sprays. Don’t ask – but it is a thing of wonder to behold…

Me, I’ll lounge around here for the next few hours, drinking coffee, watching TV, and pondering how it ever took so long for "So You Think You Can Dance Canada" to get developed for TV.

Then, I’ll comb over my hair sprigs with my hand, brush my tooth, and throw on whatever I was wearing all this week so far – hey, it’s not like we’re at midweek here – the clothes don’t even need to pass a sniff test yet!!

Once I’ve driven her to work, I’ll come back here to home base, and get into the grind that is my daily routine: napping and drinking coffee, with occasional visits to my favourite websites. When the muse strikes, I’ll write for about 20 minutes or so.

But today I may have to toss in a bit of shovelling….


Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    3 hours?? I see she's cut down. Must've got rid of a few pairs of shoes.
    A 2 hour tour... a 3 hour tour.

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Ok Misters!

    Let's be honest shall we? The real reason it takes me 3 hours is because every five minutes I need to contend with Mr That Dan Guy's shiwinigans!
    That's right!
    You can't take your eyes off of him for 5 minutes!
    Yesterday he referred to his office space looking like a family of orang-utans invaded. Nope. No family of orang-utans. Just 1 single monkey. One big ape. That Dan Guy!

    Anyway, gotta go, I hear Mr That Dan Guy making noise!

  3. We were able to cut the time in half when we purchased one of those Dolly Parton wigs for her...

  4. Shenanigans???

    Who has time for board games when they're trying to get ready in the morning??


    I'm innocent, your honor!!!

  5. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Id' say you should house those shiwinigans in a cage. This way life will be easier and they make real nice pets.


  6. We had a shawinigian for a while, but they eat like bears...
