Monday, November 03, 2008

You Let Me Down, Lenny!!

Dear Mr. Lenny Kravitz:

Lenny, Lenny, Lenny…

Even though you put on one of the best shows we’ve attended this year, Mr. Kravitz – I must post one somewhat minor, formal complaint.

You see, it is tradition that when Mrs. That Dan Guy and I attend shows at the Calgary Saddledome, that we will go a bit early, to have a bite to eat, and play a few coins in the Stampede Casino, directly adjacent to said Saddledome.

And, we always, win, Mr. Kravitz. Always. It is a long-standing concert night tradition.

Mr. Kravitz, this was a special evening (in addition to seeing you perform, of course). We needed our lucky streak to continue, as I was planning on picking up a Mac computer directly afterwards – being very close to consummating that relationship before we left home for your show.

We had it, as the kids say, “in the bag”. The last remaining component was just a wee win before your show. Or even after, for that matter – we aren’t particularly rigid in that respect. We were just relying on our usual concert-day mojo. Mojo that was oddly absent, for a show that was so sensational…

We had no luck beforehand, so we just accepted that we had to be patient, and return after the show, even though we were exhausted from dancing in the stands for over two hours. And let me assure you, Mr. Kravitz – the air was pretty thin way the hell up where our seats were.

But we are troopers, and so we went back to the casino AFTER the show, where much to our dismay, our rotten luck persevered. Zip. Zilch. Nada!!

How can I put this delicately? I may as well just come right out and say it. Mr. Kravitz – you owe us the balance required for the purchase of our new computer. We’ve waited, and sacrificed – diverting money from prior winnings that could have gone to supplement Mrs. That Dan Guy’s “60 Shoes In Every Room Of The House” project. It is her life’s work, and she has put it on hold, as I try desperately to escape the tyranny of Windows Vista. We had every expectation that this quest would conclude on the evening of your concert.

You can contact me via the link in the Blogger Profile, or just by posting a comment here in this blog. I promise to be discreet, although I am willing to acknowledge your kindness (should you agree to my reasonable request) to any media outlets.

Thanks in advance,
That Dan Guy
Chow for now!!

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