Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Life here in the Such Is Life household is often girdled by healthy doses of irony. Things never seem to go quite the way we’ve planned them to.

For example, I might buy a new computer, and discover that the Windows Vista operating system loaded onto it is going to set me back (technologically-wise) to the Stone Age.

I might prepare the backyard for a weekend barbecue, only to have the heavens unleash a relentless downpour that doesn’t abate until the following Tuesday.

Or, I might write a column (which appears online today, yet again – I’m on a real streak here…) about how much time there is left to be golfing, and then look out my window, to see that it has snowed overnight. Not just a dusting this time – we truly have snow on the grounds here, folks!

Oh well, at least I have my column to keep me warm:

Chow for now!!

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