Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Sort of a sad day, here around the Such Is Life household. The end of an era, actually.

No, we haven’t purchased our Mac computer yet, even though Windows Vista managed to pull off its neatest trick ever this morning (I launched Internet Explorer, and started to receive e-mails instead. Pretty extreme incompetence, even for THIS computer).

No, the reflective moment is over having to decide to cancel my daily newspaper subscription. As a newspaper columnist, I hate to do anything that further jeopardizes the dicey future we already seem to be facing.

However, after returning from our trip to Kelowna, and finding all the newspapers I had temporarily suspended from delivery in our absence resting comfortably on our doorstep (not the first time this has happened – we may as well have posted notice of our home’s vulnerability for local burglars), I regretfully have come to the conclusion that I will at least have to switch my subscription to a digital version only.

No more will I be able to caress the ink-stained pages. No more will I be able to stockpile weeks of flyers, then sneak them into Mrs. That Dan Guy’s flyer bin, to watch her eyes pop at the sheer volume. No longer will I have to play Hide ‘N Seek on the front lawn and driveway, to see where that rascally delivery person has decided to plunk the issue THAT particular morning…

I’ve read through the newspaper to some minor degree online before. I’m not a fan, but if that’s the only way to get my news without the frustrations, I’ll have to give it a try.

Chow for now!

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