Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So, about a week ago, I entered a contest sponsored by the local radio station Mrs. That Dan Guy and I listen to every day. If you read this blog with any regularity (God bless fibre!!), you should know that we enjoy a pretty wide-ranging taste in music. But we listen to Country 105, Calgary’s home of today’s country music.

And, Country 105 had this contest on their website, to be a Radio Star for an hour. If you click on this link you can read all about it (scroll down about three-quarters of the page, under Contests – it’s bright red, you really can’t miss it.).

Basically (well, exactly) the gist was this:

This is your chance to be the next Radio Star!On October 24 you could have your chance to host your own show on Country 105. Send a simple, short demo of what you would do on the air if you had your own show on Country 105. Our panel of professional broadcasters will narrow the entries down to 5 contestants, and then Country 105 listeners will pick the winner by listening to their demos posted on the Country 105 website.The winner will host their own one hour show between 6pm and 7pm, October 24, here at Country 105!"

Well, as you may have already guessed – I WON!!!!!

That’s right boys and girls, this Friday, from 6-7 PM Mountain Time, I will be babbling away on one of the most popular radio stations here in Calgary. You can listen live by clicking on that link I posted earlier, and then click on “Listen Live” (top of the page, in blue text with stars on either side).

Pretty exciting – glad I didn’t submit my alternate pitch – The Mime Cowboy Hour

Chow for now!!

Hey, wait a minute! I almost forgot- this week’s column, the conclusion to my ladder saga, is online today. Check it out at:

Now, chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Awesome. Send me an e-mail to remind me tomorrow.
    I'm sure we can tune in on the net?

  2. Shall do!!

    Yes, just logon to the link in this blog, and click on Listen Live
