Thursday, October 30, 2008


I recently began subscribing to Apple Computers’ e-newsletter. As my switch-over date draws ever closer, I’m starting to think that this here Vista computer is beginning to suspect something. The other day, when I went to open my e-mails, a new post had been whisked off to the Junk Mail folder.

The new mail? My Apple e-newsletter. Clearly, Windows is getting nervous, and intends on doing whatever it can to prevent being banished to a cold corner of our basement, where I will likely only ever fire it up to play Solitaire, or light up the furnace room.

You’re goin’ down Windows Vista!!


Congratulations, Philadelphia Phillies, Word Series Champs (the photo above is a shot of me standing on the ball field, at Citizen’s Bank Park…)


In all the excitement of posting a link to my Country 105 Radio Star Yout-Ube video yesterday, I neglected to post the usual link to my weekly column, which was online again yesterday:

Tis the season to celebrate our furry friends!

Chow for now!!

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