Friday, October 24, 2008

Country 105 Radio Star – The Countdown….

Well, by this time tonight I will either be a puddle of blenderized Jell-O, or I’ll be walking on clouds. My guest stint on Country 105 FM tonight here in Calgary runs from 6-7 PM Mountain Time, and if you live outside the city, you can click on that link I just posted above, and then click just one more time, on the “Listen Live” link.

Will I fall on my face? Will I start to blubber whenever we play a sad song?

Will I be escorted from the studio after failing to recall the proper sequence of the station ID numbers, one too many times? Hey, anything can happen – it is LIVE radio after all…

I was in the studio yesterday afternoon, visiting the Rhodes Show live - to get a feel for how high my anxiety level could probably rise, and I shared a confession with effervescent co-host Hot Rod Harriet. She asked if I was nervous as all, and I joked that I would be wearing a pair of Depends just to be on the safe side.

Somehow, that made it onto the air yesterday afternoon. So at least now I won’t have to worry about maintaining my dignity…

I think this is going to be a great hour of fun – both Roger and Harriet were a delight to meet, as genuine and hilarious in person as they are on the air. Of course, I was in an isolation booth, so neither of them had any reason to feel like they were in any real danger…

So, I had better go and try to memorize those call letters now – radio stations are pretty insistent that the letters of the alphabet you use on the air match the ones that identify the station.

Although - just once - I may try to slip in “WKRP”…

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    arghh....missed it. Got home ater 8:00. How did it go?

  2. AWESOME!!

    See today's blog...
