Tuesday, October 28, 2008

As usual, I find myself struggling (as I do every year) with what costume I will wear for Halloween. The most important component of ANY costume I ultimately choose will be an ability to conceal that I’m nearing a time when a lot of other people my age would be considering retirement. I can deal with “my, aren’t you husky for your age”, but I get a little uncomfortable when people ask “Grandpa”????

I know, I know – Halloween is for kids. But all that candy!! And all you have to do is walk around your own block to fill up a pillow case full! (Optional component – drive around MULTIPLE areas, especially neighbourhoods with dense housing, so as to avoid all that cumbersome walking…) My sweet tooth just can’t resist!!

I’ve dressed up as Santa in the past, and been told that my mask is “spookily realistic”. Bingo!! Being a ghost has been pretty good too, but I have been questioned when I wear my bifocals on the outside of that costume…

My least successful year – skipped the costume, and went as “middle-aged man”. Considerable resistance to that particular gimmick. Maybe I should have worn an eye patch to try and work an emergency pirate angle into the costume, or elicit a bit of sympathy.

Well, whatever I decide to go with, I had better try to make it relevant. A coat of tinfoil probably won’t qualify as an Iron Man getup.


Chow for now!!


  1. I just had to see what this blog was all about since it shares a name with mine. Interesting idea about clearing your brain...I like it. I do think that blogging does a bit of that for me too.

    And just because I cant resist a family feud...I'm a MAC lover as well! Go MAC!

  2. Hey Alisha!

    Great minds obviously think alike!

    I will be sure to check out your blog later today (now that I know how to click on the link and find it...only took me a year to figure THAT trick out...)

  3. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Oh Danny Boy...

    Today's Best Country...

    Awesome job as the Radio star. You ARE the best looking guy in Radio... plus not only are you good...you're pretty good..haa... anyway... Great Job!

    Paul in Regina

  4. Well, Paul in Regina, I thank you.

    I thank you for your well-thought-out insights, and your ability to cut straight to the chase.

    Go Riders!!
