Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Well, we’re getting pretty excited, here in the Such Is Life household…

Oh my…that didn’t sound so good…

What I wanted to convey was that we are getting just a little bit giddy with anticipation, as the fall season brings some of our favourite shows back to the television screen.

Like that show where all the young guys are hanging around all the time, and getting into funny scraps of trouble. Or, that show where most of the cast works in a retail store, and they all get into wacky situations in every episode.

There’s also that show where several couples banter around about all sorts of things – quite funny!

Oh, and we enjoy action/drama as well. There’s that show with doctors, or there are a few with cops. If only someone would come up with a drama about doctor cops. THAT would be something to tune into!!

I guess fall will offer more variety/reality shows. We didn’t used to care for those, but now find we are watching a few – probably by accident, or lack of any other viable programming efforts. One reality/variety show I’d like to see: Justin Timberlake on a cardboard raft, floating through an alligator-filled bayou, while trying to transport 800 pounds of raw meat. To make it fair for the alligators, there should be teams of dart-blowers on the shore, trying to bring Timberlake down…

Finally, sports. This winter will debut the brand-new theme song for Hockey Night In Canada, after our national broadcaster sort-of bungled negotiations for the original theme. How will this new jingle fare, compared to the legendary strains of the original? And, more importantly, after the first broadcast, who will really care?

Play Ball!! I mean, Hockey!!!

Chow for now!!

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