Sunday, September 14, 2008

We are waking up in Regina, Saskatchewan this morning. In the grand Canadian scheme of things, Saskatchewan might be considered the “meat” in a prairie sandwich, bookended as it is by neighbouring provinces Manitoba and Alberta. That’s a whole lot of wheat and prairie dogs… Consider us the Dakotas of the North.

We were here for a surprise birthday party held last night, at a very snazzy waterfront restaurant. What a hoot! The birthday boy was completely taken by surprise, the food and drink were abundant and amazing, and we had the chance to use a Regina taxi service.

OK, the taxi service wasn’t that big a deal, but I felt my sentence was starting to drift off there…

This was our first semi-long-term stay in Regina, and it has been enjoyable. We met up with some other family members, and discovered completely by accident that we had chosen to stay at a hotel that happens to be attached to…are you ready for this…A CASINO!!

Yes, even in the remote prairie towns of Canada casinos are the hub of modern civilization, drawing seniors like a beacon would out on the open sea. We’ve even heard of Paris Hilton, in remote Canadian prairie towns.

So, with much reluctance, we decided to investigate this establishment five or six times during our stay, with mixed results. We aren’t leaving our shirts in Saskatchewan, but we also failed to bolster my Mac fund.

Of course, the day (and stay) is not yet quite over – we’re going over for brunch with a few family members, before we vamoose (may see a moose) and return home. It would be a shame to not at least offer the common courtesy of plunking a few loose shekels into a slot machine or two…

Wish us luck!!

Chow for now!!

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