Friday, September 05, 2008

There’s all sorts of “national” days celebrated across the country. Or countries, if you include North America in general.

You’ve got National Dental Assistant Day, National Eat-Your-Broccoli Day, National Automotive Technician Day. You’ve got National Disco Day, National Rational Day, and even National Limbo Day.

My personal favourite, inspired by humorist Dave Barry, is National Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day. In that vein, and adding even more fun to your workday, I propose National Black-Out-One-Tooth Day.

As you prepare to go to work in the morning, blacken out one of your more prominent teeth, and watch how much fun you’ll have as you smile “Good Morning” to all your colleagues at the office.

Sure, some may just give an uncomfortable, quizzical look, but the more compassionate among your co-workers will be dying to know what happened. Did you walk into a door? Were you in a hockey brawl? Do you have scurvy or rickets?

Now granted, you want to be careful with how you decide to blacken out your chosen tooth. Permanent felt marker will do the job, but bear in mind the key word, “permanent”.

Also, this proposed new national day may not be all that exciting (or noticeable) in southern states, or around hockey and UFC arenas…

Still, I’d get a kick out of seeing people grinning with a goofy gap. Cue the banjo…

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:09 AM

    Ha, I am going to try blackening out a tooth on Monday! (and I am taking your banjo to work with me too!) Hmm. Seems it took me 5 years to respond to this one. What the doodles?

  2. Oh Suzanna!!

    Going to Alabama??
