Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Heh Heh Heh…

Man, like the guy said, there’s one born every minute.

For a couple of days, I was snowed. I thought my Windows Vista operating system was actually starting to work properly. Or, at least a bit less like a nuked tomato that had then been run over by a steamroller.

Well, imagine my surprise when starting the TurdMaster up this morning, and it felt (probably just for snits and giggles) that it had to reinstall Microsoft Office, something I installed legally when I first bought the computer.

That’s what I love about Windows Vista – not only does it NOT work properly with anything that boasts being “Vista Certified”, it doesn’t even really work with its own family of self-produced products.

I finally had to break down and elicit technical support (3 DAYS WORTH!!) a few weeks ago, when I added a “Vista Compatible” wireless router. After having four different technicians tell me that a wireless router would not cause blue screen crashes, I uninstalled the router, and the Turdmaster has been just fine since.

As fine as one could expect a Windows Vista operating system to be…

I’d like to think that I’m alone in this sinking ship, but the ongoing TV commercials (which should win a goddam Emmy as far as I’m concerned) illustrating the two characters posing as a Mac and a PC indicate that there must be others suffering as much as I.

But one day, the suffering will end. One day, the birds will sing again. One day, I will quit wondering if I am nuckin’ futs whenever I start up my computer.

One day, I will be starting up a Mac…

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Dan, I have an iMac which provides all the juicy graphics and ease for which Apples are known, AND it lets me partition off whatever space I want to run Windows. One machine, high power, all the options. Yes, it's Windows Vista, but perhaps the Macness of the machine keeps it in line better. I haven't had many problems. Then again, I use it only about 5% of the time. :-)

  2. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Join us....join us......

  3. Mac...I want my Mac...

    Mac good, yah...

  4. I'm on my way, I swear - I am heading towards the light!!!

  5. Anonymous6:14 PM

    shoulda asked for a mac instead of a banjo......well I guess there is always the pawn

  6. No way!

    I ain't partin' with my banjo!

    I will earn my Mac the traditional way - playing Blackjack.
