Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday (to my column…)

Happy Birthday (to my column…)

Happy Birthday (Dear Column…)

Happy Birthday toooo youuuuu!!!!!


Time flies when you do something on a regular basis. This week marks the 5th anniversary of my weekly newspaper column. Hard to believe – that’s easily one of the longest relationships I’ve ever maintained. Well, next to a certain ham I know, that resides in the Such Is Life household with me.

It may be time to update my much-neglected website, to put a few fresh offerings online. The pieces I posted on my column link have been there at least a couple of years. I get nervous to make changes though. One time, I lost the entire site! I’m not nearly as techno-savvy as Charlie.

At any rate, today’s column is online, so check out how I marked the occasion for the newspaper:

Chow for now!


  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Well, from one ham to one turkey, congratulations! 5 years running, nothing to sneeze at!
    Way to go Mr That Dan Guy!

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Happy Birdday!!!!!

  3. Sounds like a club sandwich, here at the Such Is Life household...

  4. Brilliant!

    I never made the connection myself...

    A fine pun...
