Tuesday, September 30, 2008

And thus ends September…

After belabouring the point for months now, I must once again point out the hilarity that seems to be our local weather patterns. This week, we are experiencing some of the hottest days of the year – temperatures exceeding our highest highs hit during this past monsoon summer. Just a few days ago, the cars parked outside overnight were encased in frost by the next morning. Now, they’re all wearing shorts and muscle shirts, and frankly – sweating just a bit too much for my liking…

So, all the preparations that we had made for (what we all thought was the inevitable and imminent arrival of) winter, are now out the window. I must store my fur-lined yakskin parka for now, and dig out my “skort”, which I’m told by Mrs. That Dan Guy is technically a garment for female tennis players, but I personally feel is a very well-ventilated article of clothing for husky men.

I must tuck my mukluks back on the shoe rack, and instead flap around in my flip-flops – or was that flab around in my flippers? So much slang, so little command of it…

My French-Canadian toque (a woollen cap similar to a balaclava) which I have owned since I was a wee garcon has been set away again, and I have instead chosen to sport one of my baseball caps, even though I have never played ball even recreationally. I do however own a baseball bat. If that matters at all…

Yes, it’s summertime all over again, here in the shadow of the mighty Rocky Mountains.

Canada – the land of confusion when it comes to our seasons…

Chow for now!!!

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