Saturday, August 23, 2008

Chicken Scratch


Alright, what the heck is goin’ on around here?

A week or so ago, this floozy chicken appears outta nowhere, and takes up roost here in Chez Charlie. Some nerve.

Then, I make a short trip to Winnipeg to stock up on Junior’s hot dogs (cluckin' delicious!), and when I get back – she’s so comfortable she’s soakin’ up the sun, out in the yard!!


If there’s one thing that ruffles my pinfeathers, it’s sumbody puttin’ their beak where it don’t belong. I mean, who invited Paris Hen-ton over, anyhoo???


Durin’ my reconnaissance mission just now, I discovered that she has become quite comfortable here, even usin’ my lucky tannin’ towel. Ha! The jokes on her – that towel leaves fluff where ya can’t pick it out!!


I gotta talk to Corny, see if he’s got any ideas for sendin’ this Hen Rietta packin’. There’s mini-chickens in the house, for Pete’s sake! We can’t have no tarty bird runnin’ around the house half-nekked all the time… such as a bathin’ suit may be considered half-nekked.
Dirty, dirty bird...

Ah, just a few more minutes of observation, and I’ll go find Corny…


Cluck for now!

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