Monday, August 11, 2008

7 hours. Yesterday, I spent 7 hours on the phone with a remote technician, trying several different remedial measures to resolve my computer issues. It still crashes every time I try to start it.

One possible solution, which admittedly may not be as good for the computer as it would be for me, would be to attach a set of booster cables, and start a jet engine in an attempt to get it going. I also lean towards using it as a skeet shooting target…

This computer, and the Windows Vista operating system that allegedly supports it, has been a disaster from the get-go. I’ve lost files that I can’t replace, I’ve lost countless hours of productive working time, and my otherwise easy-going disposition is edging closer and closer to that of Jack Nicholson in “The Shining”. I never thought I could despise an electronic device, but this computer is rapidly approaching onions as something that I cannot tolerate.

I wish now that a condor would swoop down from the skies, carry this computer off and over to an active volcano, dropping it into the scathing pit of lava. Without an application of sun-block.

I hate this computer.

Chow for now….

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