Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pieces & Bits:
Jeez Louise…

What is that bright thing up in the sky? And where is the rain? Why isn’t it raining today? How is a guy supposed to lawn shower if it isn’t raining???
If only I had been an Indy racing fan, I might not have missed out on seeing “Family Jewels” star Gene Simmons live, as this year’s Grand Marshall in nearby Edmonton. However, I am not an Indy fan, in much the same way I am not a fan of nailing my feet to windmill blades.
Well, Canada chose a Maria last night. Mrs. That Dan Guy and I were glued to the TV for the announcement of which young lady had won the weekly competition, to star in Andrew Lloyd Webfoot’s Canadian revival of “The Sound Of Music”. For the first time in history, we have agreed with the judges, and the Canadian public, who picked the contestant we had both agreed upon.

Now, we turn our attention to next week’s finale of “Nashville Star”, and the still ongoing “America’s Got Talent”. Who says summer lacks excitement??
Here’s one of my favourite childhood jokes:

Q: Did you put the cat out?
A: I didn’t know it was on fire!!!!

You know, that joke now strikes me as somewhat violent and uncomfortable…
That ole man river, he just keeps rollin’ along…
I’m pretty sure I’ve lost my focus here…
Right now, Mrs. That Dan Guy is applying the top coat on her hair preparation ritual, with three more levels of hairspray yet to go. This morning routine has sent all three of our (former) parakeets into cardiac arrest. I wish we would have discovered earlier that we could have moved the cage out of the bathroom…
Flaming cats, deceased birds – what is going on here this morning???
Must have cereal…
Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Ya, what's going on this morning is right!
    At least I have hair to spray!

    Mrs. That Dan Guy

  2. Is that hair, or did a squirrel get shellacked to your scalp??

    I really must learn how to spell shellacked...

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Ok Mr. Now you have crossed a thin, very thin line......


    Is that scalp on your head or did a pancake get shellacked to your scalp?

    Affectionately, repeat, affectionately yours,
    Mrs That Dan Guy

  4. The squirrel would look a lot more natural if you put a little styling gel on that bushy old tail of his!!

    Affectionately, That Dan Guy
