Friday, June 20, 2008

Barry Manilow ’08 – Just 6 More Days…

Hello, From New Orleans!!

I am going to need a bigger belt.

If I don’t gain a hundred pounds by the end of this week, I’ll be tickled. If there’s one thing that New Orleans (and the entire state of Louisiana for that matter) is known for above and beyond music, it’s the food.

Mrs. That Dan Guy and I have been to two celebrated New Orleans restaurants so far this trip: Galatoire’s, and last night Brennan’s with the columnist group I am here with. Brennan’s opened up their doors for us all, and put together a special Creole gourmet menu, including New Orleans Turtle Soup. I felt bad for the poor turtle until I had my first spoonful – in a word…YOWZA!!

Turtle last night, alligator a couple of days ago – I’m eating my way through the Louisiana reptile families. I hope they have good security when we visit the Aquarium Of The Americas later tonight…

Yesterday we also took an excursion of our own, before the conference I’m attending starts this morning. Went on a plantation tour, which was absolutely fascinating. Got to see some of the country side outside the city, passing by cedar forest swamps, Lake Ponchatrain, canals, sugar cane fields, and a Domino’s Pizza.

The plantation tours are a glimpse back into the by-gone days in this here Deep South – sugar cane fields, mansions, and life along the mighty Mississippi. As a matter of fact, the tour was how we finally discovered what the levees are here – essentially large banks of earth and grass 20-25 feet high, alongside the Mississippi. I’m not sure what we were expecting, but I’d have to admit we were surprised.

As an aside, I picked up the binder that we receive every year at these conferences, and there were a few tips inside about what to expect in New Orleans.

Among those tips – Do Not Call New Orleans “The Big Easy”. That is apparently one of those romantic motion picture nicknames, that is not used at all down here. Hence the change to my title today.

The other tip that amused me was a description of a certain shoe shine scam to be on the lookout for.

No need- I found it within 24 hours!!!

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    I hope you enjoyed your time in the city. Thank you for coming and helping in the recovery of my hometown. THANKS!

  2. Hey, doctorj2u!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    We are here a few more days, and will be writing more serious pieces about this trip, for papers in Canada.

    Today, we visit hard-hit areas.

    We'll be back - this is an amazing city!

  3. Uh, you're not THAT doctorJ, are you??

  4. Anonymous7:38 AM

    No, but I am named after him. LOL!

  5. Too funny!

    Hey, how did you happen to stumble upon this week of postings??
