Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You know who was a pretty bad role model? Popeye. Popeye the sailor man.

I realize it was a different time then - back when Popeye first became popular. Heck, I even spent many a carefree day watching his cartoon series as a young whippersnapper myself.

I’m not sure if his incessant pipe-smoking influenced my OWN bad habit, but if that is indeed the case, how many other young adults took to puffing on a pipe, to emulate a cartoon icon?

One thing I never was able to accomplish however was his little trick of consuming a can of spinach via the pipe. I did get a lot of tobacco juice dribble-back though, which is gross enough, thank you very much.

So, as a chain-smoking adult (which may have been why his eyes were always so squinty…), Popeye had one strike against him, as a suitable role model for the audience he was appealing to.

For another thing, Popeye’s obsession with forearm development indicates that he may have had some sort of issues regarding his appearance. (I know there's an actual word or term for that, but for Pete's sake, it's barely six AM in my time zone.) Personally, I would have gone to see a plastic surgeon about that bulkhead chin he sported, rather than isolate a workout program for part of my arms, but hey, to each their own.

The point is, he had a problem, which is another reason why he was a bad role model for kids.

Finally (primarily because my stomach is growling and I need some toast with peanut butter and jam), another glaring problem with Popeye as a role model is that he fancied himself a poet. And not a very good one either…

I’m strong to the finish, ‘cause I eats me spinach…"


Please, take a grammar course. Just because you spend your days at sea, doesn’t mean you can’t learn to speak your native language properly.

Chow for now!!

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