Thursday, May 01, 2008

You know, a person can use a computer every day of the week, and lose sight of just how miraculous these thing-a-ma-jiggies are...

For example, I’m composing this document today on a word processor. This program is so efficient, you can’t even see where the little printer is, that projects the ink onto the page inside the computer screen. I don’t even want to consider that the travelling, skinny little cursor may be the brains behind THAT operation!

Speaking of the computer screen, it is miraculous to me that the floodlights that illuminate the screen, are nowhere to be seen. And such a nice, even light they provide, for the entire screen! Now why can’t I find a light that works that well in the bathroom???

Another thing that keeps me in awe – pictures that can magically appear as a slide show, without a projector! I’ve had to develop slides in the past, and place them into a revolving carousel, so I cannot even begin to imagine how that is done inside a thin little laptop. If Merlin the magician were still alive, he would think my computer was haunted by demons…

With the Windows Vista operating system, I’m not so sure it isn’t…

Chow for now!!

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