Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wow! Tuesday the 13th – a day considered completely unlucky by scores of people worldwide.

This is not the day to see a black cat walk across your path – especially a black cat that is being chased by an alligator. An alligator that spots you out of the corner of his eye, and decides that a scrawny little cat probably isn’t worth the effort anyway, if he can successfully grab you by the one bad ankle that’s been bothering you since you missed the last couple of stairs on your front stoop last night, because you were too engrossed in the epic Coldplay song on your i-Pod. At that moment, you will regret the day you decided to quit practicing your high school track-and-field workouts…

Today will also not be the day you want to accidentally walk under a ladder, especially if the ladder is attached to a fire engine, battling a highrise fire, and the firemen happen to drop a piano they have been trying to save from the crackling flames. As the instrument plummets down towards you, you will have the oddest déjà-vu of an Acme safe falling from a cliff in the desert.

I guess if Tuesday the 13th is a superstition of yours, you will not want to spill any slat today. There’s another one of those subliminal typos of mine. I obviously meant to say salt, but is there any reason why spilling slats would be any less unlucky??

Happy Tuesday the 13th – be careful out there today…

Chow for now

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