Friday, May 09, 2008

It is often said that it can snow in literally every single month, in Calgary. We are becoming increasingly aware of that phenomenon. Just last week, we were in our short-pant bib overalls, and flip-flops. Our freckles were caressed by country sunshine.

Today, we are shaking mothballs out of the pockets of our parkas, and lubricating our rubber boots – a blanket of 10-20 centimetres of heavy, wet snow greeted us this morning.

We did sort-of presume that scenario might be a possible option for our morning routine, as we drove home last night in a driving blizzard of hail, snow and rain. I almost felt guilty about sending Mrs. That Dan Guy in to pick up our pizza, before we pulled into the safety and comfort of our garage…I would have run in myself, but my bald patches are very sensitive to excessive moisture…

At any rate, we settled in once we arrived back home, and watched the storm rage from our front window – disheartened that our pool boy would be facing yet another week or two of unpaid leave. What are the odds it would snow (in freakin’ May) like an exploding corn flake factory, just after we bought a brand-new set of bocce balls?? Life can be so cruel…

Well, I had better go clear the driveway. I see the footsteps in the snow only make it part-way to the house, so I expect to find our newspaper delivery lad out there somewhere…

Chow for now!!

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