Thursday, May 29, 2008

I get knocked down, but I get back up again.

Who am I kidding? I have not been knocked down. I haven’t even been jostled. For some reason, that song lyric scampered into my noggin, and that was the first thing that I had, to be committed to today’s post.

So, if YOU have been knocked down, please get back up again, and accept my apologies. I didn’t mean to diminish or trivialize your situation - I was just hearing songs in my head.

Sure, it could have been “Tie A Yellow Ribbon ‘Round The Old Oak Tree”, but it wasn’t. I couldn’t tell you that the whole damn bus was cheering, but I could tell you that I got knocked down, and I got back up again. Even if it was a bald-faced lie.

As a matter of fact, that’s about all I can tell you. The rest of the lyrics are a bit fuzzy right now, although I seem to recall a refrain about Tommy Boy. Was it Tommy Boy that got knocked down? Did he get back up again? Is there a Tommy Boy lying on the floor somewhere?

If I got knocked down, I might not get back up again. I might find it extremely comfortable to be lying prone. Depends on the weather I suppose. If it was warm and sunny, I’d certainly enjoy lying prone.

For today, let’s just assume I would have got back up again.

And wrote a real blog…

Chow for now!!

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