Friday, May 16, 2008

Here’s how I seen this – whole wheat pasta is not nearly as bad as you might expect…

Granted, we’ve only tried whole wheat spaghetti and macaroni, here in the test kitchen of the Such Is Life household. But results have, overall, been extremely positive.

The stick test, where you fling either macaroni or spaghetti at the wall to ensure that it is fully cooked and ready for consumption, worked well with both traditional and whole wheat products. The tests have also made for some interesting patterns on our otherwise dull kitchen walls…

We’ve tried the same thing with pasta sauce, and found that to be one hell of a mess, streaming down the wall. Mrs. That Dan Guy has suspended all future sauce testing, outside of sipping a small slurp from a wooden spoon. It is far more authentic to sip from a wooden spoon if you have a white chef’s hat, and a pencil-thin moustache, so we’re working on accenting any existing lip lawn we both already maintain. We are constantly striving for authenticity here in the Such Is Life test kitchen…

Tonight, while MTDG is changing from her work apparel, I intend on testing meatballs, in similar pasta fashion. Do you suppose, are they supposed to stick, or is “bounce” the measuring stick for perfection??

I guess I’ll find out…

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    What? "we’re working on accenting any existing lip lawn we both already maintain."
    Speak to your own moustache, thank you very much!!
    Hmm, wonder if the meatballs would bounce off your rubbery head?

  2. My head is rubbery???

