Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What a day, yesterday!!

First off, as you may be able to deduce from Cornelius’ photo, there’s a bit of premature spring fever in the air around here. Corny was anxious to cool off, as the temperatures hit about 20° C here on Sunday. We had to turn off the furnace, plus crack open some windows.

Well, come morning, it was pretty nippy in here. Even our remote control had crawled under a pillow on the couch overnight, in search or warmth and comfort. Windows were closed, and furnace fired back up. Songs were sung in jubilant joy for the invention of warmth.

However, later in the day – soaring temperatures once again required that we – you got it – turn off the furnace, and crack open some windows. The remote peeked out from its cozy little vantage point, but refused to leave the space it occupied underneath a couch pillow. Wuss…

Mrs. That Dan Guy and I had settled in for the evening, watching TV, while our recording machines where busily recording all the TV we couldn’t watch at one time. When the power went out on our entire block…

How fragile a world we live in, when Howie Mandel can suddenly vanish from your TV screen, and you’re left with a blackened abyss. An abyss without Deal Or No Deal. It sucks, let me be the first to tell you…

Anyhoo, we popped on the laptop, and read e-mails that had already been delivered, to pass the time. We went to bed when the power didn’t come back on by 11:00, but just as I was falling asleep, the power did indeed return to our outlets – TV on full blast; dishwasher completing the cycle interrupted; Charlie caught with a beakful of my cold beer, in the light of the open refrigerator door…

Once all those annoyances had been attended to, including the pilfering poultry, it was back to bed for this old cowboy.

Spring is in the air, though. I just may join Corny in that birdbath if the temperature climbs again today…

Chow for now!!

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