Friday, April 11, 2008

Today’s Music Review: Madonna, “The Immaculate Collection

Every once in a while, a CD comes out from a new artist, and I have to marvel at how much the performer sounds like a music veteran. “The Immaculate Collection” is one of those CDs…

From lead track “Holiday”, down to the second-last song “Justify My Love” (the closing song ain’t so great), Ms. Madonna shows much promise as an artist – she could very well have a few hits on this album!

In particular, “Like A Virgin” is downright danceable, even though a bit risqué in the titling. I suppose as long as she doesn’t influence younger listeners, this song might prove to be popular, given time.

Also notable – “Like A Prayer”, somewhat the “other side of the coin” to the clearly sexually themed aforementioned virgy song. I can almost see her, dressed demurely, a role model for youngsters with this song.

Another track I quite enjoyed was entitled “Material Girl”, obviously a tribute to fabric, and maybe even the joy of cobbling together your own clothes. Has anyone ever seen a picture of this young lady? She seems to me to be a fresh-faced, innocent little warbler, aside from the smutty title of that song about some virgin…

Although, maybe there is a darker side to this newcomer. In “Papa Don’t Preach”, she’s pretty much invoking atheism, or at the very least, she seems uncomfortable with sermons.
Hmmm. I may have to re-listen to this disc. Now that I think about it a bit more, I’ll bet if I played it backwards, there could even be satanic messages hidden within the tracks!!!

Well, so much for my glowing endorsement. Even though many of these songs sound like they could do pretty well with a bit of radio airplay, or a video on TV, I’m not so sure I can endorse this woman, after sober second thought…

Today’s rating: 2 out of 5 stars…

Chow for now!!

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